Salamanca – my favourite spots

During my studies in Madrid I had the chance to spend a weekend in Salamanca, a beautiful city which is about 220 kilometres away from Madrid. Famous for its architecture and university it will not disappoint you!

1. Plaza del Oeste

This spot was my favourite! You might be wondering why, as this quarter is not directly in the city centre. To be honest, I came there rather by accident than on purpose. Side-street by side-street I discovered more amazing street art. I was fascinated by the diversity, the quality and their expressiveness. If you stay in Salamanca, definitely plan to spend some time here (at least one hour)!

There will be a more detailed post and picture gallery soon!


2. University

If you are in Salamanca, visiting the (800-year-old) university is a must! Unfortunately, I was not able to visit the inside as it was closed to the public on that weekend. But even from the outside it is more than beautiful!



3. Cathedral

Instead of seeing the university I ended up in the huge cathedral right next to it. For a few euros (5 EUR for adults, 4 EUR for students) you can enjoy an audioguided tour. It guides you not only through the main cathedral, but also through the old chapel. The tour is great as it gives you detailed information about everything you can see there. Very interesting!


4. Plaza Mayor

The main square reminds me of the main square in Madrid. It is a very big square, surrounded by old buildings. If you want to enjoy the sun (or simply relax) you can choose between many different cafés and restaurants.

5. Streets and parks

If you like strolling through the streets ( & shopping), I recommend walking around Calle Zamora and Calle Toro. Following Calle Toro northbound will lead you to the beautiful Parque de la Alamedilla, a small paradise with sculptures and small fountains.



Thank you for reading!


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