WWF Earth Hour


This evening many cities around the world turn off the lights from 8.30-9.30 p.m.. This global event should draw attention to conservation and sustainability. But not only famous sights like the Eiffel Tower, the Kreml and the London Bridge stay dark. Also private households are addressed by the “Earth Hour”. Everybody can participate and thereby contribute to this great event.

The initiative was created by the WWF and started in Sydney eleven years ago. Last year more than 7000 cities participated. Of course, it is not enough to turn off the lights once a year, but it is a great way to raise attention and to motivate people to live a more sustainable life. Maybe you will turn off your lights this evening?


If you are interested there are many events and live-streams from all over the world.

One thought on “WWF Earth Hour

  1. I will definitely participate! Unfortunately I can’t use Facebook to spread the news as I just deactivated my account in an effort to excercise pressure on Mark Zuckerberg to handle privacy data more carefully… I announced that step and my reasons several days before I actually applied this action, explaining my reasons and asking my 275 followers to support this and spread it, however NOT ONE SINGLE PERSON responded. This shows how addicted we are. Even the most critical people I know, tolerate the data misuse by FB because they can’t imagine to live without FB!

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